John Michno is giving a one hour presentation at the Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club of Riverside County, Monday 18 September 2017 @ 6:30PM. He will cover The Nonviolent Peaceforce for the first half hour and Nonviolent Communication for the second half hour. Gandhi’s concept that a trained corps of non-violent peacekeepers could be used to …
Category: News
Jun 11
Tabling in Riverside County
We have been tabling at various community events, college campuses, and other venues for many years and now we have the state sending voter registration forms to Californians when s/he signs up for a driver’s license and when the renewal of the driver’s license notification is sent out to our drivers. As a result, the …
Jan 13
Congressional Staffers Tell Us How to Oppose the Trump Agenda
Want to know what you can do to fight back against the reptile conservative agenda which is coming our way? INDIVISIBLE A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR RESISTING THE TRUMP AGENDA Written by Congressional Staffers who know what works! Let’s Stop Spinning our ideological wheels and get the rubber on the road!
Jan 13
No Mandate
- By cdchost in Candidates, Opinion, Slider
Over the next few weeks and months you will hear the reptiles crow that they have a “Mandate of the People” to change the way this country works. NOT SO Currently, Hillary Clinton holds the majority – currently over 2,700,000 more than Trump – of the votes cast! Therefore, there is NO mandate BUT, the …
Jan 03
Reptiles Claim Mandate for Conservative Agenda
In a recent article in the Washington Post, David Weigel hits the nail on the head regarding what the reptiles will do in the coming Congress. Click here to read the full article.
Sep 20
Your Attention Please
Uncle Chuck Says: Hello Progressives, The election didn’t go completely our way and in my opinion, we need to focus on building a movement via issues. What this means is we needed to locate the issues that concern our fellow citizens and then develop Issue Organizing Teams to deal with finding a solution to the …
Aug 02
A New Democracy in America
If the Left has patriotism, it’s one that knows America has never been great for most of the people living in it—and knows that loving a country doesn’t mean keeping people out of it or justifying slaughter abroad. The Left’s patriotism is about fighting for an altogether better and fairer country, where unity means more …
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